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Home Learning


You can help your child learning at home in many ways.  The website section of our page has some fantastic links if you have access to a computer and the Internet.

Let the children help you make a shopping list or count out items into the trolley when shopping.  Talk to them about why things happen and how things look, feel or smell when you are ‘out and about’. We welcome the children to show their home learning during show and tell time.

Due to popular demand of show and tell, there will be a 2-week rota where 3 children a day can bring an item of interest to them, something they have/done achieved outside of school or talk about experiences they have had. We do ask that children are thoughtful to what they share and not to bring toys in. Children do not have to take part. We also ask that children only bring in show and tell items on their designated day.

Learning journal input from home

We value your input into your child’s learning so if you observe your child achieving at home we encourage you to take a picture or write a note explaining what the child has done. It is helpful to know if the child was able to do this independently or with a level of support.  We recently sent home stickers for you to write any ‘wow’ moments on. You can also email pictures to add to their journal to  It is lovely to share these with the rest of the class.

Reading at home

Your child will have 2 reading books from school, but it is important to look at other books too. Look at both fiction and non-fiction.  Please log any reading in their purple reading diary.  We love to see what they have been reading at home.

Years 1 to 6

Reading is not set as a specific homework task, but pupils are required to read regularly during the course of each week. Please log any reading in their purple reading diary.  We love to see what they have been reading at home.

The learning of spellings and practice of multiplication tables will be set in addition to the homework timetable where necessary.