Trainee Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
Welcome to our school's ELSA page!
We are pleased to be able to share with you information about our Emotional Literacy support in school.
We recognise that children are happier and learn better when their emotional and social needs are being met. ELSA stands for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Our trainee ELSA, Miss Samson, is receiving training from Educational Psychologists to be able to deliver individual or group interventions to address the needs of our pupils.
How can ELSA help my child?
ELSA can help children with many things, like:
Understanding their emotions
Feeling anxious or worried
Feeling low about themselves
Getting along with other children
Dealing with anger
Coping with loss
How does ELSA work?
Children are usually referred to ELSA by their class teacher. However, Miss Samson also works closely with Mr Zeidan, our School's SENCO, to identify children that would benefit from ELSA intervention, as well as our School's Mental Health Lead, Mrs Kaur.
Who is Miss Samson?
My name is Miss Kerry Samson, and I am the trainee Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) at Lodge Farm Primary School.
My seven years at Lodge Farm have been a period of significant personal and professional growth. As the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and a Mental Health Champion, I've learned the importance of creating a supportive environment for all. My connection with children is indicative of the relationships I have built with their caregivers, with me being referred to as the Pied Piper of Children.
I am always on hand to chat, explore different ways of helping and share previous experiences as a way of navigating someone’s concerns, whether that be a child or an adult.
Should you feel the need to contact me, you can at
I can’t promise to solve all concerns, but more often than not, unburdening is a big step in the right direction to ease someone’s suffering.