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Curriculum Documents

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At Lodge Farm, we believe that physical activity and education contributes to optimum behaviour, physical fitness and emotional well-being which assists pupils in reaching their full learning potential.

We aim to deliver high quality PE through a well sequenced curriculum, a range of sporting activities and opportunities for our children.

Our curriculum allows staff to adapt and alter our PE scheme to meet the needs of the children in their class.

Through our high-quality PE curriculum, we intend to make sure all pupils:

· Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.

· Are physically active for sustained periods of time.

· Engage in competitive sports and activities.

· Lead healthy, active lives.

· Develop social, emotional and physical skills.


At Lodge Farm, we aim to develop confident, self-assured and physically literate pupils who enjoy a range of P.E. and sporting provision, matched to their needs.

Lessons are inclusive and are adapted to meet the needs of all learners within a class.

Sports and activities are planned carefully throughout the year groups in order to learn skills and have the opportunity to practise and embed them in later years. We believe that the Fundamental Movement Skills (Agility, Balance and Co-ordination) are key to children being able to engage with and enjoy PE, Sport and Physical Activity. Thus, gymnastics is taught every year.

Once children are physically confident and have experienced PE in a fun and engaging manner, we actively encourage children to begin to compete in sports and activities. This can be seen in lessons and at inter-school competitions and events.

At Lodge Farm, we have a commitment to engage our children in as many sporting opportunities and events as possible both in school and out of school. Through our partnership with Stevenage Sporting Futures and with the use of The Primary PE and Sport Premium funding, we deliver exciting and enjoyable events to allow the children to try something new. This is with the aim to inspire pupils further so they engage in physical activity to lead healthy lives.


Children will leave Lodge Farm at year 6 physically literate with an understanding of a range of sports; how to fuel their bodies efficiently; and engage with PE and sport that will last beyond their primary years. This will enable them to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives.

Children will be able to recall and discuss the coverage of PE they have had including activity days paid for using The Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.

A high-quality physical education inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Children will be able to apply their knowledge and understanding of fair play and encourage others to adhere to it. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.

Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.

Assessments are carried out during and at the end of each half term are recorded and monitored. The children are given feedback throughout lessons consistently and where possible, are encouraged to create their own next steps in learning.






At Lodge Farm our aim is to provide a music curriculum which will enable each child to reach their full potential in music, encourage children to enjoy singing, composing and performing and provide children with the opportunity to perform in front of an audience both within and outside of school.

"A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement." - Department of Education, National Curriculum


Our curriculum is centred around ‘Charanga’, a music-based scheme, in which teachers are able to produce inclusive lessons for all children to access the musical curriculum in a fun and engaging way, further promoting a love of learning. Charanga lessons are planned in sequences to provide children with the opportunities to listen and appraise, perform, improvise and compose and share their musical learning.

Opportunities to perform in front of an audience are facilitated through whole school events, clubs and celebrations. The children have the opportunity to take part in the Young voices choir, with weekly choir rehearsals culminating in a performance at the 02 arena with thousands of other school children. In year 3, children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument in practical sessions. Use is made of our neighbouring music centre to further supplement this.

In our Early Years, music follows the strand of Expressive arts and design. The children sing daily, and regularly have the opportunity to make music with a variety of instruments and objects, both in the indoor and outdoor environments. Songs and rhymes are part of our daily routines and all children are encouraged to feel confident and able to participate.


Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – either as a listener, creator or performer. Children have the opportunity to discuss and share their own thoughts, opinions and ideas, acknowledging and respecting that these may vary and that this is positive.

Using the progression map of skills and knowledge, termly, teachers will make a judgement about whether a child is working towards, at, or beyond these age-related expectations. This is recorded on our school assessment system.



At Lodge Farm, we recognise the vital role that science has to play in nurturing children’s natural curiosities and the value of learning through high quality, hands-on experiences. Our children are encouraged to be active learners, asking questions about the world around them and are taught the scientific skills and knowledge needed to find answers to their queries. Through having a progressive curriculum, all children have the opportunities as they move through the school to build a secure subject knowledge and to develop and apply their skills through researching, investigating and experimenting, both inside and outside of the classroom.


● Our science curriculum is engaging, aligned with National Curriculum expectations, and has been carefully designed to ensure there is progression of scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary as the children move through the school.

● Science is taught through investigation and enquiry, encouraging children to be ‘scientists’ and to ‘think scientifically’.

● Children are provided with the opportunities to answer questions using different types of enquiry, including fair testing, identifying and classifying, using secondary sources and looking for patterns and observing over time.

● Teachers teach the skills that children need to be able to carry out practical investigations.

● Teachers check children’s existing knowledge at the start of each unit and adapt the planning accordingly to take account of their starting points.

● Knowledge organisers are used at the start of each unit to introduce new vocabulary and key information. The children are then encouraged to use these as a tool to support their learning throughout the unit.

● Each lesson begins with a recap, where children are supported to retrieve prior learning and make connections.

● The outside environment is used to support hands-on learning.

● The whole-school participates in the National Science week each year to provide children with active, first- hand experiences to enrich their learning. This includes taking part in a carousel of investigations within key stages.

● End of unit quizzes are used to support assessment for learning, checking children have understood what has been taught and identifying any possible misconceptions that need addressing.


Through having a progressive curriculum, where there is a focus on researching, investigating and experimenting, the children will develop the skills, knowledge and vocabulary they need to think and work scientifically. The pupils at Lodge Farm will be inquisitive learners who ask questions and strive to discover more about the world around them.

How we measure impact:

● Frequent formative assessment is carried out through the use of questioning to check understanding and to clarify any misconceptions.

● End of unit quizzes support assessment and help to identify any gaps in learning. Teachers then use this information to inform planning to close the gaps.

● At the end of each unit, teachers make judgements about pupil’s understanding and use of skills. Children who are not working at age related expectations or who are excelling in this area are recorded on the school assessment documents to inform future planning.

Science Progression




At Lodge Farm we provide a structured approach to teaching children the fundamental skills required to enable children to become confident readers and writers. We follow the Monster Phonics scheme for the teaching of whole-class phonics and small group interventions. It focusses on helping learners understand the relationship between letters (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes), enabling them to decode words systematically and fluently. Key goals include:

1. Developing Early Reading Skills: Equip children with the ability to sound out unfamiliar words (decoding) and recognise familiar ones (sight-reading).

2. Enhancing Writing Abilities: Teach learners to spell words by segmenting them into their constituent sounds and matching them to corresponding letters.

3. Building Vocabulary: Foster word recognition and comprehension by expanding learners' knowledge of words and their meanings.

4. Promoting Reading Fluency: Develop speed and accuracy in reading by reinforcing the blending of sounds into words.

5. Encouraging Reading for Pleasure: Lay the foundation for a love of reading by making decoding an accessible and enjoyable process.

6. Supporting Literacy Development: Serve as a stepping stone for broader literacy skills, including comprehension, critical thinking, and written expression.


Monster Phonics is an enhanced systematic synthetic phonics scheme. It teaches phonics in a comprehensive structured progression but provides additional multisensory support to make learning more memorable and engaging. It uses colour coding and monster sound cues to support learning when children encounter long vowels, silent letters, and tricky letters. This additional support is used consistently and then cleverly phased out, creating confident independent readers. The monsters themselves each represent a sound which brings phonics to life. This creates engagement, and speeds up the learning process for everyone. In addition to the Monster Phonics scheme, children also read ‘Big Cat’ phonics books, paired to our scheme, along with books from our library which they can ‘read for pleasure.’

Phonics is taught through:

· Focused, discrete, engaging phonics lessons

· A clear progression through phases and sounds

· Clear modelling of sounds and strategies to help (segmenting fingers, point and sweep, sound buttons)

· Support for those children who need further support through Monster Phonics keep up (Rec & KS1) and catch up (KS2)

· Applying skills to phonetically decodable books matched to children's ability

How we measure impact:

· Interventions are put into place early and continue into Key Stage 2 if required

· Reading books are correctly matched to a child's phonetic level

· Half-termly Monster Phonics assessments show children are making progress and achieving age-related expectations.

· At the end of Year One, children partake in the national phonics screening check. This contains 40 words divided into two sections of 20 words. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and pseudo-words.



At Lodge Farm, our intent is to develop excited readers by providing opportunities for all pupils to access a wide variety of high-quality texts. We aim to develop the key skills of reading to create confident, independent readers throughout their lives. 


  • Daily Phonics lessons in EYFS and KS1 (see phonics curriculum)

  • Whole school Monster Phonics Program as an approach to read and decode

  • Reading diaries sent home to support parents with quality reading at home 

  • Whole class Guided Reading sessions - Daily in KS2

  • Carrousel Guided Reading sessions - KS1 

  • Reading interventions adapted to pupils' needs

  • Weekly individual reading to Class Teacher

  • Class stories are read at the end of each day to promote the enjoyment of reading.

  • Stories linked to topics in EYFS to create opportunities for new learning.

  • Book corners and visits to School Library to celebrate reading

  • A wide variety and range of high-quality texts are used across the areas of the curriculum. 

  • Lodge Farm Reading Spine

How we measure impact:

  • Teachers read weekly with each child.

  • Reading Miscues Analysis - formative assessment used to assess suitability of reading books/book bands

  • Targeted children read more often with additional adults which is reviewed at half termly Pupil Progress Meetings 

  • Pupil progress meetings to monitor progress/impact

  • Independent assessments termly - Using the Teachers Framework Assessments

 National Tasks and Tests:

  • Reception Baseline test 

  • Year 1 phonics screening test 

  • Key Stage 1 Reading paper 

  • Key Stage 2 Reading paper



At Lodge Farm we aim to develop imaginative, competent writers by providing opportunities for all to access high-quality teaching models and texts to inspire writing and to develop the key skills of writing to create confident, independent writers ready for adult life. Our curriculum inspires children to have a love of literature and writing to support them to become independent life-long learners.



· HFL English scheme used as a basis for progression map alongside the National Curriculum

· Sequential genre-focused lessons that work towards a writing outcome

· High-quality texts and models to inspire writing

· Making our writing RING.

· Cross-curricular links to topics to excite writers

· Using red pen to support the editing and redrafting process

· The importance of 'authors' when publishing our work

· Discrete spelling lessons to learn spelling rules and conventions with opportunities to apply them in their writing

· A whole-school approach to pre-cursive handwriting to develop children's fluent, joined, legible handwriting

· Whole-school writing competitions to inspire children to be creative and share their flare for writing.


How we measure impact:

· Regular independent writing opportunities, including the chance to publish final pieces.

· Writing judgements are updated on our assessment system and reviewed in termly Pupil Progress Meetings.

· Moderation of writing across the school, trust and county.

· SEND children have ILP targets linked to writing which are reviewed termly by the SENCO and Class Teacher.


Spelling is integral to the writing process. Our curriculum will provide confidence in spelling which frees up working-memory to focus on the content of the writing. Our curriculum prioritises making links to previously taught rules to ensure pupils retain taught rules and conventions. Our curriculum supports pupils to become confident writers.

FINAL GOAL FOR THE END OF KS2: To be able to apply spelling rules and conventions confidently, allowing pupils to focus on the content of their writing.

Speech and Language

Speech and language is a fundamental building block in children’s development. Our curriculum ensures that children have a high level of speech, language and communication so that they are able to communicate effectively with others and access all areas of the curriculum as they progress through their education and into adulthood.

FINAL GOAL FOR THE END OF KS2: To ensure that all children can communicate effectively with others in a wide variety of situations


Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)


At Lodge Farm, we aim to develop an interest in learning languages in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating and encourages pupils' confidence and creative skills. By developing their awareness of cultural differences in other countries, we inspire children’s curiosity about language and different places. 

We embed the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing necessary to enable children to ‘use and apply’ their French learning in a variety of contexts. Therefore, laying the foundations for future language learning.


Our MFL curriculum is designed to;

  • Start exposure to the French Language, through rhymes and songs, in phases prior to Key Stage 2. 
  • In Key Stage 2: progressively develop skills in languages in regular discreet sessions.
  • Offer opportunities to increasingly acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary organised around topics.
  • Encourage and support pupils to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, singing activities, performance and games.
  • Offer 'WOW' experiences such as 'French day' to give pupils an experience of the French culture and food. 
  • Move towards children recording their work through pictures, captions and sentences. 

Teaching and learning is sequenced through the Language Angels scheme of work.

How we measure impact:

We assess children against the knowledge and skills for their year group. Judgements are made about whether the pupils are working towards, at or beyond age-related expectations. At Key Stage 2, these are recorded in our assessment tracker annually. 



At Lodge Farm we believe that every child is an artist and has the potential to produce pieces of art to be proud of. Our PKC curriculum teaches a range of skills, techniques and, both practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge, across all year groups.

We recognise that not all pupils have the resources and opportunity to practice art skills at home. Therefore, our curriculum at school is designed to give children the opportunity to explore, engage, design and have challenge in a range of multimedia. As pupils move through the school, they learn about a range of; artists and styles and will be able to create in a variety of ways and in a range of media. These have been strategically planned to include artists from the past, and those creating pieces of art in the present day. Artists are also chosen to reflect the multicultural and international diversity of our community.



• Drawing and colour will be taught throughout the curriculum within the topics covered and children in the EYFS will have opportunities to begin to develop language, knowledge and skills in these areas.

• Skills will be established and built upon as children progress through the Art curriculum.

• Art books will be used from Year 1-6 to allow pupils to experiment, record their ideas and practice skills. These will act as a celebration of children’s progression of skills.

How we measure impact:

At the end of each unit, Teachers will assess children's knowledge, understanding and application of skills. This will enable to plan for any gaps in these areas in future units.

Annually, teachers will make a judgement on whether the child are working towards, at, or exceeding age-related expectations. This is recorded on the school's tracking system.

The number of children accessing 'Art' Club is monitored to ensure that PPG and SEND children are able to access.

Art Progression 

Design Technology


At Lodge Farm, our Design and Technology (DT) curriculum is designed to inspire children by highlighting the significant role that design has played in shaping the world around us. Through hands-on learning experiences, children are encouraged to apply their skills and knowledge to create innovative products. Our goal is to ignite a passion for design, while equipping children with the essential knowledge and practical life skills they need to succeed and thrive in the future.


Our DT lessons are structured to be progressive, building on prior knowledge and following a well-planned sequence that helps children become familiar with, understand, and apply the design process: research and investigation, design, make, use, and evaluate. We encourage children to be creative while considering the product's purpose and its intended user.

Our curriculum is divided into three areas: ‘Cook’, ‘Sew’, and ‘Build’.  Each of these areas is explored in every year group, providing children with a well-rounded and comprehensive experience.

  • In Cook’, children gradually develop essential culinary skills by following recipes. As they hone these practical skills, they also explore key food-related concepts, including nutrition, seasonality, food production, transportation, and the diverse culinary traditions of different cultures.
  • In ‘Sew’, children develop basic sewing techniques using fabric and thread, creating projects that showcase skills like embroidery, appliqué, weaving, and plaiting. Along the way, they learn about fabric properties, fast fashion, industrialisation, as well as important topics like waste, recycling, and pollution.
  • In ‘Build’, children dive into the world of structures, mechanical devices, and electrical systems, creating products such as cars, moving cards, toys, and books. Through these hands-on activities, they explore important scientific concepts such as force, motion, and the properties of various materials.


Through a well-sequenced and progressive curriculum, children at Lodge Farm will develop confidence to adopt a creative mindset, empowering them to design and make innovative products. They will be curious learners, explore new ideas and take ownership of their learning journey. Children will think both critically and creatively, fostering a desire to explore the world of design and technology.

How we measure impact

Throughout each unit, frequent formative assessments are conducted to check understanding and address any misconceptions. Children receive both verbal and written feedback throughout lessons, ensuring consistent guidance. Assessments are conducted at the end of each unit to evaluate how confidently children have applied their skills and retained their knowledge. These assessments inform judgements made at the end of the academic year, determining whether a child is working towards, at, or beyond age-related expectations.

DT Progression



At Lodge Farm, the children will understand the need to learn from the past, what has happened and why. This knowledge can be used to influence the future. Our knowledge and vocabulary rich curriculum will teach children about the history of other countries, comparing it with their own, and the impact it has had on life today. The children will develop research skills which will be useful in the wider world. Implementation

● Our History curriculum is aligned to the National Curriculum, which ensures children receive a broad and balanced education, including a progression of skills, historical vocabulary and knowledge. This is taught by focussing on a range of historical areas of learning.

● History is taught through investigation and enquiry, encouraging children to be 'Historians' and looking at the world through the 'Eyes of a Historian'.

● The teaching of Black History is included in our curriculum document to ensure this area of history is taught across the school, in addition to a focus in October (Black History Month).

● Each lesson begins with a recap, where children are supported to retrieve prior learning and make connections.

● Knowledge organisers are used at the start of each unit to teach new vocabulary and key information. The children are encouraged to use these to support their work throughout the unit.

● End of unit quizzes are used to support the assessment of children’s learning throughout the unit and any misconceptions are addressed.


The pupils at Lodge Farm will develop their knowledge, skills and vocabulary through each unit of study. They will understand the chronology and be able to link periods of history.

How we measure impact:

● Frequent formative assessment is carried out through the use of questioning to check understanding and to clarify any misconceptions.

● End of unit quizzes support assessment and help to identify any gaps in learning. Teachers then use this information to inform planning to close the gaps.

● At the end of each unit, teachers make judgements about pupil’s understanding and use of skills. Children who are not working at age-related expectations, or who are excelling in this area are recorded on the school assessment documents to inform future planning.

History Progression



At Lodge Farm, we foster acceptance and develop an understanding of similarities and differences between religions. Religious Education helps the understanding of diversity across the world. When planning for opportunities in RE we use “key questions” to promote enquiry. Teaching and learning in RE is enhanced by using artefacts, children’s experiences and links with the community to ensure first-hand, relevant and memorable learning. Pupils will learn about different cultures and religious beliefs which they may otherwise not come across or understand. It encourages pupils to explore the spiritual aspects of society. Well-planned lessons give children opportunities to engage, investigate, evaluate and express themselves in order for learning to be memorable. As a school, it is imperative to celebrate different cultures and to be inclusive.



● Jigsaw RE is being embedded as the chosen RE curriculum. This was introduced in September 2023.

● In the Early Years, children will be exploring different festivals such as Harvest, Diwali, Christmas and Easter.

● In KS1 and KS2 the curriculum is planned using the Jigsaw RE curriculum and is supported by visits to the school and within the local area.

● In addition to RE lessons, the children participate in RE assemblies linked to celebrations from a range of religions. These are linked to faiths from our community to ensure understanding and acceptance at a local level.

● Children are encouraged to understand and acknowledge a range of religious celebration and festivals in class and as whole school activities.

How we measure impact:

At the end of each topic, the children are assessed against age-related expectations for knowledge, understanding and skills and this is tracked in our assessment system. A child will be recorded as working towards, at or exceeding these expectations.


At Lodge Farm, we ensure our pupils and staff are responsible, competent and safe users of technology. Staff will model positive use regularly throughout our curriculum and equip children with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently use a range of devices, programmes and software for an ever-increasing variety of purposes.

We recognise that this curriculum must be responsive to the changes in technology and risks as an online citizen. Through opportunities in personal development, PSCHE and Safeguarding, we explore e-safety with children and their families.


· Following the Teach Computing Curriculum.

· Discrete timetabled lesson following the Scheme of Work provided.

· Embedding of technology daily across the curriculum through IWB, using search technology, Google classrooms, accessing web-based subscriptions, etc.

· Online subscription to a remote-learning platform (Tapestry) – used regularly in the Early Years to communicate between school and parents to share progress of in-school and home-learning.

· Online subscription for KS1& KS2 remote-learning platform (Purple Mash) for teaching Computing with its strong emphasis on computer science and computer programming skills.

· Staff are able to timetable the use of Chromebooks and Ipads for cross-curricular purposes such as research-based lessons, typing up work, creating labels, accessing online games such as TTRockstars, creating videos, uploading and saving pictures, project work, presenting data using excel, using PowerPoint to present findings etc.

· Participation in the annual e-Safety day with key messages revisited regularly within lessons.

· Visiting experts were brought in to further remind and educate children of evolving e-Safety and online dangers.


We fully encourage pupils to enjoy and value the computing curriculum we deliver, embracing and enhancing their digital growth. The learners will discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact technology has on their independent learning, development and well-being. The way in which we aim to deliver our computing curriculum will support children in finding the right balance with technology. By following the Purple Mash Computing scheme, we will be able to unpack the meanings of technical terms and abstract contexts (primarily in a computer science unit) to support the children as novice learners. This will enable us to secure an understanding of key concepts and skills. Finding the right balance between technology use, an effective education and a healthy lifestyle is key for a child’s development. Conversations and connections between staff and pupils will further embed and enhance this. Progress of our computing curriculum will be demonstrated through concepts and skills which fit in line with the National Curriculum of Computing Education as the following:

· Assessment for learning - sharing feedback on progress and understanding during a lesson.

· Summative assessment, using school assessment tracker.

· Regular monitoring of e-Safety and online incidents on the school’s communication system (CPOMS).

· E-safety questionnaires and wellbeing surveys.



Our intent is to teach the children two learning intentions, each lesson is specific to:

Relationships and Health Education (Statutory NC for PSHE)
Developing Emotional Literacy and Social Skills. 

Each child takes part in a mindfulness meditation (Calm me) which will teach the children and adults to be the present moment, clearing your thoughts and helping your mind and body achieve a sense of calm.


Jigsaw consists of six half-term units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces) covering each academic year.  

This spiral curriculum is shown in the table below:


Assessment in Jigsaw is both formative and summative.

 The two clear learning objectives for each lesson (piece) allow the teacher to be mindful of the assessment elements within that session that can formatively help teachers pitch and plan subsequent lessons, and activities are included in each lesson to give the children the opportunity to self-assess using simple pictorial resources designed in a child-friendly, age appropriate manner. It also allows children to identify areas for self-improvement.

To support the teacher in tracking each child, there is a ‘Summative Assessment: tracking pupil progress’ sheet that can be used. This sheet has three attainment descriptors for each Puzzle. The teacher can then use a ‘best-fit’ approach to decide whether the child is working towards, working at or working beyond that Puzzle, highlighting one green and one purple descriptor.

The green descriptors will also flag up children who may need more support with emotional literacy or social skills development, and they can be signposted to our pastoral support systems as appropriate.

In Piece (lesson) 6 there are also exemplifications to aid teacher's judgement in working towards/ working at/working beyond attainment descriptors.




At Lodge Farm Primary School, we aim to empower our children to foster a growth mindset with a positive ‘Can do’ attitude in mathematics. Through our provision of a high-quality mathematics curriculum which is engaging, enjoyable and challenging, we prepare our children for their next stage of mathematical learning. We aim to enable all our children to apply their mathematical knowledge in everyday situations in order for them to be successful in life beyond school.

We aim that all pupils:

· Will become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately.

· Can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry; develop the ability to work logically and systematically; and develop and represent a justification or proof using mathematical language.

· Can apply their mathematics to solve a range of problems, with increasing complexity, including in real-life and unfamiliar contexts, and make rich connections across concepts.

· Are mathematically prepared for their futures.

· Are resilient learners and enable them to see that to grapple, is to take a new step forward in their learning, whatever their previous level of attainment.

· Apply their mathematical knowledge to science, computing, DT and other subjects to allow them to make sense of the world.


Our Mathematics Curriculum:

· From Nursery to Year 6, the White Rose Maths Hub is used to inform planning, teaching and learning opportunities using a lesson style of concrete-pictorial-abstract.

· The WRM calculation policy, progression documents and HfL (Herts For Learning) documents are used by teachers to ensure full topic coverage of the National Curriculum.

· Resources such as ENRICH, Testbase and the HfL Essential Maths scheme are used to supplement the curriculum as necessary.

· Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) is used to enthuse children into learning multiplication and division facts.


· Fluency practice is planned for daily, at the start of every lesson, to develop children’s fluent recall of a range of concepts and to secure and embed calculation methods.

· Weekly planning includes reasoning to ensure that children know that they need to explain why their answer is correct and how they worked it out. The answer is not the ultimate goal.

· Weekly planning includes problem-solving skills where children are given opportunities to apply these to real-life contexts.

· Learning is adapted to meet the needs of the children within the class whilst still providing each child with the opportunity to achieve the learning intentions to meet the expectations of their year group.

Teaching and learning: In every maths lesson, you will see:

· Quality first teaching, tailored to meet the needs of the learner in each class, and immediate intervention to address gaps in learning where necessary.

· Concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations (including bar modelling) are used to support conceptual understanding.

· Use of high-quality questioning to explore children’s understanding and develop it further.

· Modelling of mathematical vocabulary and sentence stems to support and develop children’s mathematical explanations.

· Teachers making use of misconceptions to further children’s understanding of key concepts.

· Mathematics 'working walls' are in each classroom to provide key information and vocabulary with modelled examples to support learning.

· Targeted interventions are in place to support children where necessary either 1:1 or in small groups.


Pupils will leave Lodge Farm Primary School prepared for the next stage in their lives with:

· The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics.

· Confidence and belief that they can achieve mathematically.

· The knowledge that mathematics underpins much of our daily lives.

· Quick recall of facts and procedures.

· The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics.

· Mathematical skills and concepts that have been mastered.

· A positive and inquisitive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and attractive subject in which all children gain success and pleasure.

· Resilience and a growth mindset.

Pupils’ progress and attainment:

· Most children reach end of year expectations.

· Children can fluently recall facts and procedures.

· Children are reasoning with increased confidence and accuracy.

· Children are able to independently apply their knowledge and skills to a range of increasingly complex problems.

· Progress and attainment are assessed through formative and summative assessments; tracking; pupil progress meetings; performance management and moderation.

· Summative assessments take place termly in all year groups and timetable tests across Key Stage 2 take place at least once a term and are tracked.

· Each term, assessments are discussed as part of pupil progress meetings and additional interventions are targeted at pupils who need to close gaps.

· Children with SEND have individual SMART targets, including specific mathematical goals. These are reviewed by the class teacher and SENDCo termly, and shared with parents and children. Formative assessment is used to adapt these where required.

We carry out the following National Tasks and Tests in Maths:

· Reception Baseline

· Key Stage 1 Maths papers 1 and 2

· Multiplication Test Check in Year 4

· Key Stage 2 Maths Papers 1 (arithmetic) and Papers 2 and 3 (reasoning)





Our aim is that the children at Lodge Farm leave with a secure understanding of some of the human and physical features of the world we live in, through studies of the local area and the wider world.

Over their time at Lodge Farm, the children will develop skills to work out answers and make links with other areas of the curriculum, challenging information sources and drawing conclusions.

We want children to develop a lifelong curiosity about the world around them, using their geographical skills to continue to find out about the world they live in.


● Our Geography progression document ensures the children receive a broad and balanced curriculum, focussing on a range of geographical areas of learning, including a progression of skills and geographical vocabulary (from EYFS to Year 6).

● We use our knowledge organisers in every lesson (from Year 1 to Year 6) to help the children recognise which skills they are using, ensuring that prior skills are built upon and linked to their prior learning.

● Geography is taught through investigation and enquiry, whenever possible, encouraging children to be 'Geographers' and looking at the world through the 'Eyes of a Geographer'.

How we measure impact:

The National Curriculum has been broken down across Key Stage 1 and 2 to ensure that key skills and knowledge are taught and are taught in the Early Years through their knowledge and understanding of the world.

At the end of the year, teachers will make judgements about the pupil's understanding/application and record these on our assessment system. Pupils will be judged on working towards, at or beyond these age-related expectations.

Key themes/elements which contribute to the curriculum design:

● Locational knowledge

● Human and physical geography

● Geographical skills and fieldwork

● Place knowledge

Geography Progression